
Li Wei
WriterLi WeiWriter

双骰子是对玩家最友好的真人在线赌场游戏之一。玩法简单,等额投注为玩家提供近 50% 的获胜机会。但如果认为不了解这款桌面游戏中的短语和术语就可以成为一名成功的现场花旗骰玩家,那纯粹是一种谬论。鉴于此,本文讨论了玩双骰子游戏之前需要掌握的术语表和行话。准备好你的笔记本!



2-wayA wager made on a single roll for both the player and the dealer.
3-wayA bet placed on numbers 2, 3, and 12 in a single roll.
5-countA craps strategy that protects players from losing money on shorter rolls.
AceBetting on the next roll resulting in a hard 2 (1+1), also known as Snake Eyes.
Ace DeuceBetting on the next roll resulting in a 3 (2+1).
Any 7Placing a bet predicting the outcome will be a 7.
ArmA person with exceptional skills at throwing dice.
Big RedPlacing a wager on any 7 to appear.
Betting RightPlacing bets on the Come and Pass Line.
Betting WrongPlacing bets on the Don't Come and Don't Pass Line.
BoxmanThe casino employee who supervises a craps table.
Box numbersPlace numbers including 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
BoxcarsA craps roll or bet of 12.
Big 6Betting on a 6 coming up before a 7.
Big 8Betting on an 8 coming up before a 7.
Center fieldBetting that the next roll will be a 9.
Cold tableA term used when players don't hit the established craps point.
Come outThe first roll by the shooter, made before establishing a point.
Crap outRolling 2-3-12 on the come-out roll.
Don't ComeWagering that the shooter will roll a 7 before a chosen number.
Don't PassBetting against the come-out roll, predicting a 2-3-12.
End of the RaceA bet that the next outcome will be a 7.
Even MoneyBets with a 1:1 payout, such as Pass Line and Come bets.
Fever FiveRolling a 5 in craps.
Front LineAnother term for Pass Line bets.
GeorgeA player who often tips the live dealers.
Hard NumberAn outcome of a pair of numbers, like 1+1 resulting in a hard 2.
Hi-LoA single-roll wager on 12 and 2.
Hot TableA craps table where players often win. Also known as hot dice.
HighBetting that the outcome will be a 12.
Inside BetsBets on place number bets like 5, 6, 8, and 9.
Insurance BetsA wager to protect players from losing by placing multiple bets.
LowA single-roll wager for a 2.
NaturalPredicting that the come-out roll will be a 7 or 11.
NinaBetting or rolling a 9.
OffHaving a wager that is not in play, or referring to a come-out roll without an established point.
OnReferring to a wager already in play, or an already established point.
Pass LineBetting that the come-out roll will be a 7 or 11.
PointAn established number after the come-out roll.
Proposition BetsWagers made at the center of the craps table.
Right PlayerPlayers who wager on Come and Pass Line bets.
Scared MoneyA player who doesn't have enough funds to continue playing.
ShooterThe player who rolls the dice.
Six AcePredicting that the next throw will result in a 7 (5+2).
Square PairA hard 8 (4+4).
StrokerA player who makes complicated wagers, giving live dealers more work.
TokeTipping the live craps dealer.
True OddsThe actual craps odds for a payout where the house advantage is 0%.
Two AcesWhen the outcome of a throw is a hard 2 (1+1).
Up Pops the DevilReferring to the next bet being a 7 (5+2).
Wrong BettorA player who bets against the shooter, often betting on Don't Come and Don't Pass Line outcomes.
Yo ElevenPredicting that the next roll will result in an 11 (6+5).


了解最常见的 现场花旗骰 游戏术语可以极大地增强您的在线真人娱乐场体验,让您在虚拟双骰子赌桌上更有信心。让我们分解一些如何轻松记住和掌握这些术语的技巧。

  • 首先,重点关注"通过线"、"出局"和"得分"等基本术语。 "通过线"是一个基本赌注,预测出局掷骰结果为 7 或 11,而"出局"指的是射手的初始掷骰。如果射击者确定了一个数字,那就是"点"。
  • 接下来,熟悉基本数字,例如 2、3、7 和 12,因为它们经常出现在掷骰子中。当投手在出局掷骰中掷出 2、3 或 12 时,就会发生"Crap Out",而 7 在各种投注中都是一个重要数字。
  • 了解投注风格的术语,例如"投注正确"和"投注错误"。投注正确包括对及格线的投注,而投注错误则包括对"不要来"和"不要通过线"的投注。
  • 不要忘记"硬数字",例如"硬 2"(1+1) 或"硬 8"(4+4)。这些指的是两个骰子显示相同数字时的结果。

请记住,熟能生巧。 许多现场在线赌场 提供免费游戏模式,让您无需冒真钱风险即可练习。而且,当你玩的时候,请注意这些条款 由现场荷官使用;它可以帮助加强你的理解。


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Li Wei
Li Wei


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“过关线”是真人荷官赛制中的基本双骰投注。它预测掷出的结果将是 7 或 11,赢得平额奖金。如果掷骰结果为 2、3 或 12,则为“Crap Out”,导致失败。




现场花旗骰中的“硬数字”是指两个骰子显示相同数字的结果。例如,“Hard 2”是指两个骰子都显示 1,“Hard 8”是指两个骰子都显示 4。

Live Craps 中的“出柜”骰子如何运作?

“出来”掷骰是射手在现场掷骰子中的初始掷骰。它决定游戏是否继续进行并建立分数。出局时掷出 7 或 11 即可获胜,而掷出 2、3 或 12 则为“Crap Out”。

Live Craps 中的数字 7 有什么意义?

数字 7 在现场花旗骰中具有重要意义。这是一个常见的结果,并且与各种投注相关。在得分确定后掷出 7 通常会结束射手的回合,并可能影响桌上的各种投注。










掷骰子是一种流行的赌场游戏,已经玩了几个世纪。随着技术的兴起,该游戏已经发展到包括在线和真人荷官版本。 Live Dealer Craps 和 Online Craps 都有其独特的优点和缺点。





